Sunday, July 6, 2014

Star Festival (Ta-na-ba-ta 七夕) ☆☆☆

Let me post about this festival this year again ;-)

July 7th is Star Festival  (link to the detail the story) in Japan;
 Quote from the link about this romantic story
"Separated by the milky way, two star crossed lovers are only able to meet once a year on the seventh day of the seventh month based on the lunisolar calendar. The legend of Hikoboshi (the star known as Alter) and Orihime (the star known as Vega) has roots in China but has been associated with Japans Tanabata festival since the sixth century."

Traditionally, we write our wishes on strip of paper (tanzaku) and tie them to the bamboo branches. And people wish for improved technical skills and abilities in homage to the legend of Hikoboshi and Orihime. At school, children write their wishes on 'tanzaku' for school projects. This year, I will wish for all my blog friends' happiness.  (Reading my last years wish, I realized that my father was still here with me)  former posts   
   And also hope to have a chance to speak English p;)
   Do you have anything special to wish for the star?

*And for the extra*
Today I took my husband to the new cake shop where we can enjoy light-meal for lunch. We can hear the live music performance there. It was raining hard and my pictures came out bad. But I was happy to see my husband seemed to have enjoyed the quiet atmosphere with music. 

Tomorrow will be rainy day as well. As it is the rainy season here, I remember that feeling so sad thinking the rain prevent the two lovers from crossing the milky way and seeing again p;)

1 comment:

Louisette said...

Lovely festival, have anice day.